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  1.  Amazing Facts and Uses!
    Amazing Facts and Uses!
     7 Nutrition and Health Benefits
    7 Nutrition and Health Benefits

    The species is a perennial, often cultivated as an annual in temperate climates, often growing to around 2 metres (6 ft 7 in) tall. As a member of the Malvaceae, it is related to such species as cotton, cocoa, and hibiscus. … See more


    Abelmoschus is Neo-Latin from Arabic: أَبُو المِسْك, romanized: ʾabū l-misk, lit. 'father of musk', while esculentus is Latin for being fit for human consumption.
    The first use of the word okra (alternatively; okro or och… See more

    Origin and distribution

    Okra is an allopolyploid of uncertain parentage. However, proposed parents include Abelmoschus ficulneus, A. tuberculatus and a reported diploid form of okra. Truly wild (as opposed to naturalised) population… See more


    Abelmoschus esculentus is cultivated throughout the tropical and warm temperate regions of the world for its fibrous fruits or pods containing round, white seeds. It is among the most heat- and drought-tolerant vegetable s… See more

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